Team Helen Davey - HDA

Helen Davey - HDA hasn't posted any updates yet.


I'm so excited (and slightly terrified!) to be coming to the Derby! I rode a bit as a kid but didn't really get into horses until I was 40.  Here I am at 51 and I'm ready for the Derby.  I got into endurance riding 6 years ago and it's changed my world.  My passion is to set challenges and complete them. I also like to cycle, swim and run and my goal is to keep the old body in one piece while hitting the targets I set for myself.  

I started endurance riding with a 25 km event and eventually did a 160 km ride. The next thing I knew I did 480km at the Gobi Desert Cup.  Now I have my sights set on the Mongol Derby! My goal is to complete it, preferably in one piece and preferably not getting lost too many times. My plan is to look after myself and each horse so we can successfully cross into each checkpoint. Oh and I plan on having a great time in the process and I have no doubt I'll meet some amazing people. I will miss ice cream though!