Team Jessica Di Pasquale - JDP

Jessica Di Pasquale - JDP hasn't posted any updates yet.


I was born and bred in Katherine in the Northern Territory of Australia. I started riding horses when I was 2.5 years old and have tried my hand at many disciplines, from mounted games, show jumping, barrel racing/rodeo, campdraft and polocrosse to dressage, hacking and western riding. I have spent 12 hours a day in the saddle mustering cattle on large cattle stations and tailed horses across country. For a long time I lived and breathed horses, however in the past 5 years since having children I haven’t made the time to ride as much as I would like. I am lucky that I work with cattle still and am able to ride as a part of my work, which brings me to why I signed up to the Derby! I really need the challenge and excitement that the Derby will bring. Having children and juggling them around work, business and life really takes its toll on me and as selfish as it may sound I really needed to do something for myself, to be challenged and feel as though I am achieving something for myself! I am very competitive and love the rush of a good challenge!

I am riding with my long time pony club friend Natalie Bell and I can imagine there will be a lot of laughs and most likely some arguments and a fair bit of ‘winging it’ happening out on the steppe between the two of us. As much as we are there for the challenge and good times we are also in it to win it!