Team Shandie Johnson - SJO

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Shandie Johnson

Load Shandie

Hi all….my name is Shandie Johnson, and I am a 49-year-old mother of 2 that is excited for the Mongol Derby!!!! I grew up on horses and in the rodeo arena and chasing cattle. I gave up horses for a few years and recently got back into riding about 9 years ago. Since then, I spend my time riding for cattle, barrel racing, and cattle sorting.

When I am not riding, I work full time as a Parole/Probation Deputy in Oregon for Wasco County Community Corrections. I work with an amazing group of people and look forward to my job and going to work.

I live on a small ranch in Oregon with my daughter who is about to graduate High School and my boyfriend of 9+ years. We have spent our last 8 years chasing our daughter around watching her play sports and HS rodeo. Now that she is graduating, we aren’t totally sure what we are going to do with our time….. ?

I am looking forward to the adventure awaiting me in Mongolia. I am excited to meet the people and learn about their culture and horsemanship. See you all in August ?